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Monday, March 10, 2008

Holy Rosary

i'm guilty.. i don't know what are the mysteries of light. so in time for the lenten season, let's refresh our memory..

The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Holy RosaryJOYFUL on Monday and Saturday.

    1. Annunciation
    2. Visitation
    3. Nativity
    4. Presentation at the Temple
    5. Finding in the Temple

Holy RosaryLIGHT on Thursday.

    1. Baptism of Jesus
    2. Wedding of Cana
    3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
    4. The Transfiguration
    5. The Institution of the Eucharist

Holy RosarySORROWFUL on Tuesday and Friday.

    1. Agony of Jesus in the Garden
    2. Scourging of Jesus at Pillar
    3. Crowning with Thorns
    4. Carrying the Cross
    5. Crucifixion

Holy RosaryGLORIOUS on Wednesday and Sunday.

    1. Resurrection of Jesus
    2. Ascension of Jesus
    3. Descent of Holy Spirit
    4. Assumption of the Virgin Mary
    5. Coronation of Blessed Virgin Mary

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